Friday, August 11, 2006

Umm, Smooothieees!

Today's power smoothie drink was:
about 1 cup (I don't measure) skim milk (we were out of soy milk),
about 1/4 cup Stonyfield Farm fat free french vanilla yogurt,
6 ice cubes,
6 frozen strawberries,
2 tablespoons whey protein powder,
about 1/2 cup cooked oats.
Put it all in a blender and mix for about 2 minutes.

I had this around 6:30 am with my son for our "morning ritual breakfast time". If I don't wake him for breakfast I get the long face from him. We have breakfast together but when he is done he goes back to bed. Normally, we eat some healthy cereal, plus I eat my "gotta have a banana" but I find I get hungry around 9:00 am. When we do smoothies my hunger is curved until 10 or 10:30 am.

Have a great weekend!

My grandson is doing his first triathlon this Saturday and I'll do one Sunday.


Cliff said...

Good luck to you and your grandson this weekend.

Cooked oats in the smoothies. Interesting. I gotta try that sometime.

Oh..u asked me about my nick on beginnertriathlete. I haven't been there for a long time. Forgot my nick :)

Deb said...

Yum! sounds good. I do something close and add ground flax seed as well. Nice time with your son... those will be memories he'll always think of fondly. Good luck on the 'family' triathlon's!

JeffM said...

Sounds like a great smoothie. Good luck with your race and I'm sure you'll be there to cheer on your grandson.

Neese said...

the smoothie sounds fantastic i must try that! we have a "gotta have a banana" every day for lunch!

rock the tri, so cool your grandson is doing one for the first time! looking forward to the reports!

E-Speed said...

It's the protein in the smoothie that keeps the hunger away! Sounds yummy. I just bought a bunch of fruit and some soy milk to make my own smoothie concoctions!