Monday, April 03, 2006

Apple Detox

Today is day 1 of a 2 day apple fasting experiment. I will eat only apples and drink only water for these 2 days. I will eat a mix of 8 organic red delicious, gala, and yellow delicious apples, each day. People ask me why go through 2 days of stressing the body of not eating regular balanced meals and eating nothing but apples? I say it is something I have been considering for a few months. And from what I've heard we all can stand to use a little detox/fasting program to cleanse our bodies from accumulated toxins in our plumbing system. An apple fast is considered for people who are new to fasting and do not want to do a more serious fast like water or juice only.

Let's see how I hold up with my apple fast. I'll report Tuesday evening on my experience of missing my usual daily banana, granola cereal, peanut butter & honey sandwiches, and a good mix of fruits and vegetables. I think I miss my daily habit.


Trisaratops said...

Wow--that's some discipline! Apples are good...but I don't think I could give up peanut butter. :)

qcmier said...

Nothing but apples? What about some peanut butter with the apples? Or bananas or oranges? Or some rice?

BuckeyeRunner said...

Good luck! As it is often said, "an apple a day..."

But I must say, I think I would break down and slather some PB on those bad boys. Protein - I need protein!!

Cliff said...

yeah no way for me. PB is too good and filling to give up.

E-Speed said...

good luck! I frequently ponder a detox. I am always paranoid about training and detoxing at the same time though.

Anonymous said...

I did this without realizing it last week. What I noticed is my lack of energy during my workouts (I did eat a cliff bar before each workout), and my sleep was weird.

I'm curious how it will end up for you. Great expirement.

Trifrog said...

I agree with the bloggers who mention their energy levels, protein, and training while attempting this. Everybody's different, but if you're training hard you body needs to replenish its CHO stores and PRO for adequate recovery. Might be good at the end of a recovery week, but I would save the detox for the offseason or only very early in the base-building phase.

Wife did a detox last year in conjunction with a Baron Baptiste 40 Days to Personal Revolution seminar. I believe they took it easier during the 3 days of liquid-only fasting. But she did report feeling better after the process; there is plenty of evidence to support a detox if done properly. Just can't market NOT eating food very well ;)

Joyce said...

i've thought about doing something like that too :) let us know how it goes!

Anonymous said...

Very nice site! »