Wednesday, March 08, 2006

2 miles Barefoot!

Ran 2 miles on the Treadmill Barefoot! It was an easy 7:30 per mile pace. The right foot has 2 tender spots one on the big toe and the other on the ball of the foot. The left foot has a blister the size of a pea on the big toe. I'm giving it a month for my feet to get callous where I can run comfortably on the treadmill before I run outside. There is definitely a difference running without shoes. I feel like my feet lands more on the ball of my foot and rolls to the toes for take off. Whereas with shoes the foot rolls from heel to toe. I also noticed my posture was more upright and not like I was dragging my body along for the run. I am sure I'll learn more with experience running barefoot at which time I will relate the info here.

Check out this news clip:What about Ken Bob?
In addition to having fun running barefoot I did 1 hour on the bike trainer and 20 minutes weight conditioning workout on the ball with dumbbells.


qcmier said...

Coming from a track sprinter background, I used to always run on the balls of my feet. However going from 200meters to 20 miles plus several leg injuries, it was suggested I alter my running style a bit. I was encouraged to land more on the heel, roll forward, and push off on the balls of my feet. It is more shock absorbing. With the ball strike I think your torso is also a little more forward where when you heel strike your body is more upright. I think for someone really speedy like yourself doing shorter distance races can benefit from the ball strike.

Just my $0.02

qcmier said...
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Way to go Papa Louie!! An easy 7:30 pace barefoot on the treadmill? It's a wonder your feet did ignite a spark!

Trifrog said...

I like that the video pointed out that one would need to change running technique to go barefoot. Imagine landing on your heel! Ouch!

The benefits of running can be simulated without the risk of skin irritation by wearing good old fashioned track shoes. Shoes that are only an upper and an outsole; little or no padding or heel to speak of and a smooth bottom. Look for something like a track spike without spikes.

But it is fun to freak people out running on the treadmill without shoes ;) I was even told that I was damaging my feet and was getting germs on the belt to which I responded, 'Why would that matter, everyone else is wearing shoes.'

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